Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Who is Barack Hussein Obama?

Yes, yes, yes - I know!  I'm going to talk about it again. It is true that the mainstream media and most likely "ordinary" citizens like myself who are sick and tired of re-hashing the story. However, I refuse to apologize for bringing it up again. I cannot! America and her citizens are in a fight for her very survival, up to and including the Constitution. It is imperative that we keep this story alive so that our children and grandchildren never forget what is going on.

The first time we saw the Illinois State Senator was in 2004 at the Democratic National Convention. He was asked to be the keynote speaker by Senator John Kerry, who was running for President against George W. Bush that year. Where he came from is still a story out of a mystery novel. However, we can conclude that Obama is not the man he wants the American people to believe he is.  The vetting process from Congress and the mainstream media was horribly deceitful. To this day, they still claim that "The One" was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. Probably the only thing they got right is the date of birth. Thanks to Jerome Corsi at  WND and his 4 year investigation, along with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his "Cold-Case Posse", there is "probable cause" for fraud on the birth certificate that was released by the White House last year. There were also numerous citizens on YouTube who have experience in photo editing that also question its validity. I also posted a video two years ago about the issue. You can see it here.  Andrew Breitbart was bold enough to claim that he and his associates were going to properly vet Barack Obama. Unfortunately, Andrew died a few weeks later, on March 1st, 2012. Some people are wondering if his death was planned. But that's a separate story I'll get to later.

Watch Breitbart's CPAC 2012 speech in full:

As for Breitbart.com, they've done a pretty good job so far with what they have done to shine the light on those who support Obama and his agenda for America. There is one major exception in my opinion, and that is the "official" narrative by Obama's literary agent. Read for yourself what Joel Pollak has said here.

Another one of the best websites I have visited in the past is The Obama File. This site has archived information dating back to 2007 about Barack Obama, his family and political connections. It has also been "selected by the United States Library of Congress for historical collections of Internet materials." Check out the letter here.

That is it for starters. Stay tuned for more!

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